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People Performance Consulting in Jersey

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together.

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About PPC


At People Performance Consulting in Jersey, we pride ourselves on the level of passion, focus, dedication and quality of work that we give to each and every client. Our aim is to always exceed expectations!

We offer a wide range of business consultancy and people development initiatives including:

→ Investors in People advisory services
→ Customer Service Excellence Quality Assurance Award
→ Lexcel Risk Management Framework for law firms
→ Quality Assurance Frameworks for businesses
→ Chartered Management Institute training
→ Management and Leadership training programmes
→ Bespoke training
→ Coaching and Mentoring programmes, using a variety of personality profiles
→ Strategic Change Management
→ Building business strategies
→ Leadership Development
→ Performance Improvement initiatives
→ Personality Profile Testing
→ 360 Degree Feedback

We work in partnership with our clients, developing solutions that take account of organisational capabilities to help you achieve your business goals and objectives.

Meet Our Mentors

Jackie Barette

​Tracey Turmel

Daniel Ireland

James Lambert

Glenda Rivoallan

Read our testimonials to see what are cleints say about. We have wide range of clients from schools through to lawyers.

Visit the People Performance Consulting blog to keep up to date with the latest industry news and events.