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People Performance Consulting in Jersey

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together.

Jackie Barette

Jackie Barette, CMgr, FCMI, CIPC, TPC: Managing Director, People Performance Consulting Limited.

 Jackie is the founder and Managing Director of People Performance Consulting Ltd, which specialises in the development of individuals and teams to achieve high performing organisations.

Jackie works with a number of different sectors across the Channel Islands using personality assessments such as Myers Briggs, 360 Degree Leadership Feedback, Emotional Intelligence and Psychometric Testing. These assessments are used in executive coaching for individuals and leadership programmes, building team capability.

Jackie also specialises in quality frameworks assessments such as Lexcel, the risk management assessment for law firms, Investors in People, and Customer Service Excellence Quality Assurance. These assessments benchmark organisations against proven quality standards, and Jackie then works with the organisations to support and develop their people, processes and strategy in order to achieve compliance with the framework.

Jackie is also a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) programme director and is the partner and facilitator for the Ken Blanchard Situation Leadership II in the Channel Islands. This programme is the global leader in management training and the most widely taught leadership model in the world.

In her spare time Jackie enjoys supporting local charities whilst being a keen swimming enthusiast.

Read our testimonials to see what are cleints say about. We have wide range of clients from schools through to lawyers.

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