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People Performance Consulting Blog

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The People Performance Consulting blog keeps you up to date with the latest industry news and events and offers advice for you and your business

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​Les Amis, one of the biggest respite and residential service providers on Jersey, has ...

The Court Service has achieved the prestigious Investors in People Gold Award, and has been...

​Chartered Surveyors Buckley & Company Limited, Voisin-Hunter Limited and Maillard’s Estates...

​Easenmyne foodservice has been accrediated under the Investors In People since 2011

​Look everywhere and you’ll see claims being made about what millennials are like.

​Doesn’t it feel like we have less time than ever before?

All too often in the business world, a grand scheme for expansion or a visionary new innovation

Management standards focus organisations on a core success factor

​A CMI survey has found that inappropriate remarks, gender bias in recruitment and promotion...

As managers, we all undergo training to improve our communication, delegation, leadership...

This year’s best management books explore the importance of management trust and ethics through...

People performance consulting assisted C5 alliance supervisors with their management training

Black workers with degrees earn an average of 23.1% less than white workers with degrees

We are just one month into 2016 and already one fifth of all workers are searching for a new job

Managers are working longer hours than ever before, leading to increased stress as a result of...

Poorly managed change programmes are damaging managers' morale and the performance of organisations.

From CCTV in offices to internet and social media monitoring, British workers are under constant...

​Silkworth Charity Group are the first charity in Jersey to achieve the Investors In People Gold

​Jersey Water has achieved Gold Standard in its Investors in People (IIP) accreditation

Can you help people propel themselves to greatness and deliver sustainable business...

The theory of shareholder value suggests businesses exist to deliver profit to shareholders.

The Investors in People Awards is the perfect way to recognise the people and teams

People Performance Consulting Ltd are delighted to announce the details of our 2015 event to...

Benest and Syvret is a long established Jersey Law firm having its roots in a partnership...

First business in the Channel Islands to achieve the Investors in People accreditation

It is very easy to glide along through your professional life and avoid the stresses and strains of

In December 2014 and January 2015, CMI conducted a survey of 535 Chartered Managers...

Three Local Organisations Attain ‘Investors In People’ Accreditation​

​Clever communication, values with flex and strong leadership strategies.

​If you’re a growing business, how can you get the most out of your brand?

From global multinationals to local start-ups, leading remote teams can be one of a leader’s...

There is growing interest in employee ownership as an alternative to more conventionally used ...