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People Performance Consulting in Jersey.

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together.

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Advice & Blog


Celebrating Local Success in the Community

Posted on September 21, 2015

People Performance Consulting Ltd are delighted to announce the details of our 2015 event to celebrate success within the local community in the areas of Investors in People (IIP), Chartered Management Institute (CMI), and Customer Service Excellence (CSE).


Jackie Barette with an overview on IIP, CMI and CSE

Mike Jeacock on Leading the drive for the transformation at the JSFC

Graeme Smith on why productivity led growth matters

Cheryl Kaye on why Investors in People matters in a HR World

Jayne Coppin on the value of effective modern management programme

Jason Wyse on the benefit for charities reaching IIP Gold Status

Morag James on Talent Management

Phil Slater & Samantha Losh on growing your own talent

Jon Moore & Jonny Seller on the importance of a digital presence

Zoe Blomfield on a practical guide to race and sex discrimination and family friendly rights

Admission to the event is free of charge, with teas, coffees and pastries served on arrival. We look forward to welcoming all customers and friends, new and old. If you plan to attend could I ask you to register using the link below as spaces are limited, alternatively you can call or email me directly.

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