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People Performance Consulting in Jersey.

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Chamber of Commerce July 2015 Feature

Posted on August 13, 2015

Three Local Organisations Attain ‘Investors In People’ Accreditation

People Performance Consulting Ltd (PPC), members of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, and the on-Island delivery partner for the “Investors In People” programme, is delighted to announce that three local organisations have recently been accredited through the Investors In People accreditation programme.

Organisations that are awarded an Investors In People accreditation are required to successfully complete a rigorous and objective assessment designed to evaluate the organisation’s management practices and its performance levels, and the three organisations which have recently completed the programme are:

  • Buckley & Company – Voisin-Hunter Ltd – which has achieved their first accreditation in the standard, and in doing so, has become the first Chartered Surveyors in the Channel Islands to achieve this esteemed award.
  • Silkworth Lodge Charity Group – which has become the first charity organisation to achieve the highest accreditation available through the Investors in People programme – that of the Gold award.
  • Morvan Hotel Group – is the only hospitality organisation in the Channel Islands to have achieved the award, having recently achieved Gold status.

The Investors In People programme seeks to optimise the business practices and performance levels of participating organisations by championing best practice in all aspects of people management and the programme equips organisations with the tools to enable their business to succeed.

Jackie Barette of PPC said “Investors In People is a management framework designed to deliver high performance through people, and is recognised across the world as a mark of excellence.

I would like to personally congratulate the organisations which have achieved their awards through demonstrating extremely high commitment to people development from top management to all staff – it was very obvious that in all three organisations, staff have taken on board the work being done and embraced the journey they have been on.”

People Performance Consulting Ltd will be holding their annual Investors In People Conference on Wednesday, 7th October, 2015, and anyone interested in learning more about this prestigious award and the programme is invited to contact Jackie Barette at to obtain further information.

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