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Commitment to staff earns surveyors top accreditation
Posted on August 14, 2015
AN Esplanade property company has become the first such business in the Channel Islands to achieve the Investors in People accreditation. Chartered surveyors Buckley and Company and sister property management firm Voisin-Hunter, which now employ over 20 staff, achieved the award after an 18-month review of operations and systems.
The firm also introduced a programme of training and development for staff, including customer services excellence, led by company founder Simon Buckley and human resources manager Julie Gallon. Several team members are being supported to study for degrees in real estate management, accountancy and chartered housing as part of their career development.
Chartered surveyor Mr Buckley, who started up the practice in 2004 with his wife, Catherine, said: ‘It has been an enjoyable experience, with the whole team taking the same journey together. ‘I have never forgotten the opportunity afforded to me in my career development and feel proud to be giving my team the same opportunities – my staff are the future of the business. ‘I am delighted and proud – the award is a reflection of their commitment and dedication to the company.’
Jersey Investors in People delivery partner Jackie Barette, of People Performance Consulting, added: ‘The award is a testament to a real team effort across the whole organisation. ‘They are a friendly and supporting culture where both management and staff are committed to the framework.’ Investors in People was established by the UK government in 1991 to help organisations to get the best from their staff.
The accreditation, which is now held by over 15,000 organisations across 75 countries, is assessed through a series of interviews and online data, mapping performance against the requirements of the IIP. Buckley & Company and Voisin-Hunter have now set their sights on the next benchmark – the IIP silver accreditation – and intend to continue to work towards that goal in the future.