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CMI Management Book of the Year 2017 Shortlist

Posted on November 24, 2016

This year’s best management books explore the importance of management trust and ethics through a lens of leadership, technology and change

Trust and ethics, diversity and productivity are key themes running through this year’s 25 best management and leadership books short listed for the 2017 Management Book of the Year.

Announced by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and The British Library – and supported by Henley Business School – 2017 Management Book of the Year features titles that are breathing new life into management and leadership thinking. More than 150 books were entered this year into the competition’s five categories: Management Futures; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Practical Manager; the Commuter’s Read; and Management and Leadership Textbook.

Among those shortlisted is John Blakey’s The Trusted Executive, which looks at trust-building strategies, and Richard and Daniel Susskind’s The Future of the Professions, which examines how emerging technologies will bring fundamental changes to the way we work.

Trust and uncertainty have been timely themes with the ongoing scrutiny of top executives’ pay and aftermath of the EU Referendum result. Books such as Big Change, Best Path by Warren Parry look at how best to manage and embrace change, while Cecilie Bingham’s Employment Relations examines organisational justice and recommends how to build diverse and inclusive workplaces.

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