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​Jersey Water has achieved Gold Standard (IIP)

Posted on January 04, 2016

Jersey Water has achieved Gold Standard in its Investors in People (IIP) accreditation and reached the national finals of the Employee Engagement Awards.

Jersey Water joins the top 7% of IIP accredited organisations across the UK (and six others in Jersey) who hold the Gold level standard.

The IIP standard is an internationally recognised benchmark for best practices in employee management and measures an organisation’s commitment to raising performance by engaging, developing and investing in their people. Jersey Water first gained Investors in People status in 2006 and reached the Silver standard in 2013 prior to achieving Gold standard in 2015.

Helier Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Jersey Water, said: “We are delighted to achieve Gold Standard Investors in People accreditation. Our people are what makes Jersey Water so special and by using the Investors in People framework we continue to ensure that we get the best from everyone in the organisation, that our employees get the best from us and that Jersey Water is a great place to work.”

Jackie Barette, Jersey’s Investors in People Delivery Partner added: “This is a fantastic achievement for Jersey Water and I would like to congratulate the team on their success. Good people help make a great business and as a proven organisational development framework, Investors in People is designed to assist organisations and their people realise their full potential. The Gold level accreditation shows that Jersey Water is working to this very high standard.”

The Company is a finalist in the Employee Choice category of the national Employee Engagement Awards to be held in London at the end of January 2016. Voted on entirely by Jersey Water employees, the place in the finals puts the Company up against six organisations including Malmaison, Visualsoft and Total UK. Mr Smith said: “To reach the finals of this prestigious national award is a great honour for Jersey Water. Whilst we are up against some large organisations, we can be very proud of our achievement so far, and of the collective enthusiasm, dedication and teamwork of everyone at Jersey Water. Our place in the final shows the positive impact that schemes such as Investors in People canhave on the business.”

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