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Jersey Court

Court Service Achieves Gold for a Second Time

Posted on September 22, 2017

The Court Service (otherwise known as the Judicial Greffe and Viscount’s Department) has achieved the prestigious Investors in People Gold Award, and has been recognised as an Investor in People for a further three years.

As part of the programme to provide greater integration between the two Departments, and with the strongly held belief that the standard should drive business improvement, the organisation underwent an independent review in October. Determined to demonstrate continuous improvement in managing the workforce, the organisation set itself the target of not only achieving the basic standard at its triennial review, but also maintaining the Gold Award, first achieved at its last review.

Director of Services James Lambert said:  “As far as our people are concerned, maintaining Investors in People is part of a journey of continuous improvement and ongoing development.  However, having achieved Gold three years ago, it was always going to be quite a challenge to demonstrate that the standard was being maintained.  The Assessor’s report stated that the Court Service was an excellent organisation to work for, with well-established core values, a first-rate customer focussed philosophy, a clear people strategy, and a strong culture of continuous improvement.  He also stated that people displayed a significant and palpable dedication to their roles, the organisation, customers and their colleagues.  Our target now is to work towards achieving the Customer Service Excellence award, as well as continuing to promote Investors in People as a recognised Investors in People Champion organisation.”  

Jackie Barette from People Performance Consulting Ltd, local delivery partner for Investors in People, said:  “This is a great achievement for the Court Service and demonstrates their commitment to continuous improvement.  The Investors in People Gold accreditation helps support and provide the organisation with a strong framework for best practice and also in achieving their ambitious goal in developing their people.  As the Island’s Investors in People Champion, they work closely with myself and other businesses around the Island in promoting the Investors in People framework.  It has been a delight to work with them, and well done to all staff at the Court Service.”

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