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People management standards: why they're a good investment

Posted on January 31, 2017

Why choose people management standards?

Management standards focus organisations on a core success factor

An organisation’s managerial level is fundamental to success. Anything that inspires managers, promotes excellence and holds them to account against criteria that’s proven to add value is money well spent.

Managers have long to-do lists and it’s easy to push people management down the list. Unfortunately, it’s a ball managers should never drop because of the profound effect it has on productivity and performance.

Ultimately, strong managers and leaders are the custodians of wellbeing and high performance. Peter Drucker said productivity was the “responsibility of the manager, not the worker.” Management standards make sure managers keep productivity, through effective people management, at the forefront of their minds.

Management standards commit you to the long game, not the short game

Quarterly reporting, the increasing speed of business and disruptive competitors make success in business more difficult, which can encourage short-term thinking to boost suffering profits.

Short-term thinking helps win the quarter, or placate investors, but it’s not a strategy that yields strong results year-after-year.

Management standards help in two ways. They commit you to the long game of operational excellence in management, a sustainable and proven business model. They’re a visible sign of long-termism.

They hold you to high account and encourage the organisation, visibly, to act in the long-term interests of itself, its customers and employees. This is very important when crises hit and people become fearful.

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