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Your Future Hires Want to Understand Your Diversity Strategy

Posted on February 01, 2018

More than one in three hiring decision-makers are expecting to increase resources dedicated to improving diversity, according to new research from Glassdoor.

The job site found that 35% were expecting to increase investment in such diversity improvements, whereas only 3% were expecting it to decrease.

Glassdoor chief human resources officer Carmel Galvin said a focus on improving diversity was increasingly important in today’s modern workplaces.

“In today’s era of the informed candidate, job seekers are hungry for as much information about a company as possible before they take a job,” she said. “Job seekers want insights into what businesses are doing to build a workforce that is diverse in all aspects of the word be it age, gender, ethnicity or thought.

“Driving towards greater diversity in the workplace is a high priority effort for many businesses. With increased investment in diversity and inclusion programmes, it signals that employers are recognising the value these efforts are having on recruiting and on financial performance.”

The research also found that recruiting is less effective when companies do not invest in diversity and inclusion programmes, with some 59% of hiring decision-makers report that a lack of investment in diversity and inclusion is a barrier or challenge their organisation faces in attracting and hiring quality candidates.

Candidate demographics are also a highly important measure of recruiting success – only the costs a company incurs for generating applicants and securing a hire are more important than candidate demographics.

Furthermore, one in five (18%) of those surveyed report that diversity and inclusion initiatives are among the top elements that have the greatest influence on a candidate’s decision to join their organisation.

Galvin said: “The opportunity today for employers is to highlight and leverage their company’s diversity and inclusion efforts by enabling their recruiters, employees and others to speak about it online and off so that job seekers can gain access to this valuable information where and when they need it.”

Read the full article here

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