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People Performance Consulting Downloads

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together

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Download all the latest brochures and flyers from us and our partners

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This brochure is a catalogue of all the training and development courses that PPC run.

An overview of our customer care excellence programme

Lexcel is the Law Society’s Practice Management Quality Mark.

View our catalogue of training and development courses

Chartered Manager (CMgr) is the highest status that can be achieved in the managerial profession.

CMI -All sorts of resources available to you with ManagementDirect.

CMI - Introduction to membership brochure

The objective of Lexcel is to enhance the service given by a practice to its clients

Download the Customer Service excellence Brochure

Investors in People is the globally recognised management Standard first launched

Seven reasons to explore Investors in People

A short guide to workplace well-being and the Health & Well-being Good Practice Award