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Investors in People

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together

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Investors in People

What is Investors in People?

Investors in People is proven to be the most successful framework for business improvement through people management. Based on 20 years of leading practices, it is designed by business for business. The framework is written in consultation with customers, employees, employers business consultants and people management experts. It is created to meet the ever evolving challenges of today’s business.

Visit the Investor in People website

How does it work?

→ Investors in People underpins everything you do in business from building a strategic vision to creating your business values
→ The framework gives you tangible ways to drive your business forward
→ It supports your staff engagement by letting staff know you care as a organisation
→ It helps to grow your talented staff within your business
→ It helps to measure business performance
→ It is a continuous improvement framework
→ It signals to customers and employees your commitment to good business and people management excellence

A new Framework. A new high Standard.

Have you noticed how some organisations do better by every measure? We asked what the very best organisations - the Outperformers - do to stay ahead. The differentiating factor was their approach to people. We then built the sixth generation of the Investors in People Management Standard around them. In 2015 the very first organisations will be accredited against the new Framework. A new high Standard.

Based on 25 years of leading practice, the sixth generation reflects the very latest workplace trends, to help every organisation be the best they can be. The Framework sets out the criteria which must be met to achieve Investors in People Accreditation.

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