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Services - People Performance Consulting

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together

Coaching: Individuals and Teams


What is it?

PPC’s unique approach to both individual and team coaching is based on personal and interpersonal characteristics that impact on behaviours within the workplace.

How does it work?

→ We use programmes built around individual and team needs
→ We build sessions around strategies to address those needs
→ We help support individuals and teams to enhance the skills necessary to help in their growth

We tailor our approach to the development of the individual or team by drawing on our expertise in personality profiles such as Myers Briggs, 16 Personality Profile (16PF) and 360 degree feedback assessments.

Typical Coaching Programme

The programme will consist of the following steps:

→ Phase 1 – Meeting for Coach and Coachee to set expectations
→ Phase 2 – Administration of Myers Briggs, 16pf and 360 Degree feedback questionnaires
→ Phase 3 – Personal one to one coaching session with a qualified practioner to deliver the full written Myers Briggs and 16pf reports and provide feedback
→ Phase 4 – Personal one to one coaching session with a qualified practioner to deliver the full written 360 Degree Feedback report and discuss in detail
→ Phase 5 – Work together during a further coaching session to explore individual’s options, reflect and agree actions (this would provide a reality check on facts against perception and an exploration of the individual’s motivational strategies)
→ Phases 6 – A further 3 one to one coaching sessions would be built around defining the individual’s goals and making sure these are aligned with the individual’s personal and business values, and the consequences of working with these, ensuring they are fully explored. This would give the individual a clear understanding of what success would look like for them.

Each one to one personal session is typically 2 hours in duration.

Myers Briggs Personality Framework

The Myers Briggs (MBTI) instrument is an exceptionally versatile instrument that provides individuals and teams with a powerful understanding of their own and others’ personality styles. Insight into the differences between personality types helps groups and individuals to work together more effectively, improving communication and reducing conflict.

The MBTI instrument represents the first step towards understanding the power of “Type” as a framework and common language for describing why we interact with the world and one another in different ways. It also gives individuals a deeper understanding of themselves. The MBTI instrument can be used in one-to-one and group settings, and has a wide range of workplace applications.

The feedback and report covers the following areas:

Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I)
Where you prefer to get or focus your energy

Sensing (S) – iNtuition (N)
The kind of information you prefer to gather and trust

Thinking (T) – Feeling (F)
The process you prefer to use in coming to decisions

→ Judging (J) – Perceiving (P)
How you prefer to deal with the world around you

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