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Services - People Performance Consulting

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together

Customer Service Training


Customers today demand world-class service.

They’ll reward com­pa­nies that provide it by remaining loyal, and they’ll take their business elsewhere if service is mediocre.

Our customer service training programme teaches your employees all the skills they need to com­mu­ni­cate pos­i­tively and pro­fes­sion­ally with customers — both internal and external. Candidates of the course leave the training feeling upbeat, motivated, and ready to deliver the level of world-class service customers expect today!

The results you’ll see from this customer service training pro­gramme include:

→ Reduced esca­la­tions
→ Increased call res­o­tu­tion rates
→ A common service language
→ Improved staff morale and reduced turnover
→ Reduced costs

This customer service training programme is perfect for anyone who provides service to internal or external customers.


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