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People Performance Consulting limited.

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together

Les Amis

Les Amis have been supported by People Performance Consulting Ltd in particular Jackie Barette for over three years now. She has supplied management and supervisory training which has seen individuals grow personally and professionally which is great for the organisation. We have always found Jackie to be professional, approachable and always ready to help and assist in any way she can.

I personally feel without the guidance and support from Jackie Les Amis would not have achieved Investors in People on our first application and I am sure in the coming years we will continue to work with PPC to achieve Gold Accreditation. We will beginning a new journey in 2015 with the aim to be awarded Customer Service Excellence by the summer. We will be working with PPC to achieve this as Jackie has taken time to get know what is Les Amis and how we work.

Shaun Findlay

Managing Director
Les Amis

we had a specific requirement that Jackie met, no doubt that we will work together again soon...

When we set out on our journey towards Lexcel accreditation I had to admit that we were somewhat...

​Grainville was the first organisation in Jersey to be acknowledged as an Investor in People in 1999

Jackie devised and delivered a bespoke training program for our IFM Management Team

JACS have been involved with Investors in People for many years and this year we are considering...

​The level 5 course in Management has enabled me to step back and see the bigger picture.

I am delighted to provide a statement for Jackie is respect of her professionalism , reassuring...

​Jackie has excellent communication skills, is extremely approachable, knowledgeable & experienced

​I have known Jackie for over 5 years and during that time she has been very supportive in her...

​Jackie has been supporting Viberts for a number of years on various different projects including...