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People Performance Consulting limited.

We are dedicated to bringing organisations and their people together

New Era Veterinary Hospital

I am delighted to provide a statement for Jackie is respect of her professionalism, reassuring service and commitment to supporting New Era Veterinary Hospital to continuously improving our abilities.

As the only RCVS accredited veterinary hospital in the Channel Islands we have staff providing veterinary care to our clients and pets 24/7, across three location in Jersey.

Jackie undertook consultative duties to provide a comprehensive report of key findings. From this point the ball started rolling. Work focused on establishing our core values:

→ To treat all clients and animals in our care with respect
→ To ensure clinical excellence in the treatment of animals under our care
→ To provide the best level of care possible to reduce the frequency for the need for animals and their owners to seek treatment off-island

We have ensured quality lean processes and protocols have been assigned throughout the Practice by reviewing our continuous improvement plans. We are proud of our progress, our staff and loyalty of our Clients and pets we service. In recognition New Era Veterinary Hospital attained our IIP accreditation in 2014. Jackie, in partnership, certainly contributed significantly to this process.

Jackie is able to gain trust quickly and work through key indicators to evaluate your business performance. In a short period of time, at every level, people orientated themselves in the same direction. This creates an environment with greater purpose, energy and willingness to achieve has been instilled.

Put simply, Jackie will add value to your business.

Tim De Gruchy

Practice Manager
New Era Veterinary Hospital

we had a specific requirement that Jackie met, no doubt that we will work together again soon...

When we set out on our journey towards Lexcel accreditation I had to admit that we were somewhat...

​Grainville was the first organisation in Jersey to be acknowledged as an Investor in People in 1999

Jackie devised and delivered a bespoke training program for our IFM Management Team

JACS have been involved with Investors in People for many years and this year we are considering...

​The level 5 course in Management has enabled me to step back and see the bigger picture.

Les Amis have been supported by People Performance Consulting Ltd in particular Jackie Barette...

​Jackie has excellent communication skills, is extremely approachable, knowledgeable & experienced

​I have known Jackie for over 5 years and during that time she has been very supportive in her...

​Jackie has been supporting Viberts for a number of years on various different projects including...